************************************************************************** Install and Configure Active Directory on Windows 2012R2 Domain Controller ************************************************************************** Connectivity Instructions: ************************** +------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | DC IP | 10.x.x.40 | +------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | Username | Administrator| +------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | Password | HPOC Password| +------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ Overview ******** In this guide we will setup a Windows Domain Controller, and configure Active Directory Domain Services. We will also create 20 users and a bootcamp users group for them. **Note:** You can do either of these depending on if you want to build from scratch or use the one deployed by the HPOC system. Step 1a — Deploying the Windows 2012R2 Server from scratch ********************************************************** Do this step if you are deploying from a Widows 2012R2 ISO 1. Go To VM --> Table 2. Create VM 3. Name = DC 4. Description = bootcamp.local Domain Controller 5. vCPUS = 2 6. Cores = 1 7. Memory = 4Gig 8. Set First CDROM to use W2K12R2 ISO 9. Add 80Gig Disk on Bootcamp Storage Container 10. Add 2nd CDROM and set to use VirtIO drivers 1.0.1 ISO 11. Add New NIC, and select the bootcamp network 12. IP Address = 10.x.x.40 13. Power on VM, and run through the Windows Installation 14. Use the HPOC password as the Administrator password **Note:** Remember to select all 3 drivers from VirtIO disk when you are at the "Select Install Disk" section. **OR Do This** Step 1b — Deploying the Windows 2012R2 Server from Pre-Deployed HPOC Image ************************************************************************** Do this step if you are using the Pre-Deployed Windows 2012R2 VM (These Images are deployed if you select Windows VMs during HPOC Reservation Process) 1. Go To VM --> Table 2. Select the **Windows 2012 VM** and click **Update** 3. Change Name from "Windows 2012 VM" to "DC" 4. Change Description to "bootcamp.local Domain Controller" 5. Delete the Rx-Automation-Network NIC 6. Add Bootcamp NIC 7. IP Address = 10.x.x.40 8. Power on VM 9. Go through the configuration screens 10. Use the HPOC password as the Administrator password Step 2 — Configuring Windows Server Settings ******************************************** In This step we will configure the Windows OS settings we need before we install the AD Role 1. Log into the DC VM 2. Select **Local Server** from the left ribbon in Server Manager 3. In the Properties Window, select the Ethernet settings 4. Right click on Ethernet, and configure the IPV4 address with the following info +------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | IP | 10.x.x.40 | +------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | Netmask | | +------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | Gateway | 10.x.x.1 | +------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | DNS 1 | | +------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | DNS 2 | | +------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ 5. In the Properties Window, Make Sure Remote Desktop is "Enabled" 6. In the Properties Window, Make Sure Windows Firewall is "Off" 7. In the Properties Window, select Computer Name. +----------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Computer Name | DC | +----------------+----------------------------------------------------+ 8. Restart Computer Step 3 — Installing Domain Services Role (AD) ********************************************* In this step we will be installing Domain Services Role 1. Log into the DC VM 2. Select **Add roles and feature** from the Dashboard in Server Manager 3. Click **Next** on the initial screen 4. Installation Type: Role-based or Feature Based installation – Hit **Next** 5. Select Default Server (DC) - Hit **Next** 6. Select Active Director Domain Services 7. Add Features - Hit **Next** 8. Select AD DS - Hit **Next** 9. Confirmation - Hit **Install** (Check "Restart the destination server automatically if required") **Note:** Monitor the install, and select **Close** when you see the installation succeeded Step 4 — Configuring Domain Services Role (AD) ********************************************** In this step we will be configuring Active Directory for use by our Workshop 1. Select **AD DS** from the left ribbon in Server Manger 2. Click **more…** from yellow highlighted bar at the top of the dialog box 3. Click **Promote this server to a domain controller** under action 4. Select "Add a new forest", Enter "Root domain name", and then click **Next** +-------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | Root domain name | bootcamp.local | +-------------------+------------------------------------------------+ 5. DSRM Password = HPOC Password - hit **Next** 6. DNS Options - hit **Next** 7. NetBIOS Name - hit **Next** 8. Paths - hit **Next** 9. Review Options - hit **Next** 10. PreReq Check (ignore review items) - hit **Install** **Note:** Server will reboot automatically Step 5 — Adding Workshop Users & Group ************************************** In this step we will run a powershell script that will create the "Bootcamp Users" AD group, and user01-user20 (also adding them to the Bootcamp Users group) 1. Log into the DC VM 2. create a directory called "scripts" at the root of C: 3. Create a directory called "logs" in "c:\\scripts". 4. Create 2 files; *add-users.ps1* and *add-users.csv* in "c:\\scripts". 5. Copy the following to *add-users.csv* in "C:\\scripts" .. code-block:: bash Import-module activedirectory $Users=Import-csv c:\scripts\add-users.csv $a=1; $b=1; $failedUsers = @() $usersAlreadyExist =@() $successUsers = @() $VerbosePreference = "Continue" $LogFolder = "c:\scripts\logs" $GroupName = "Bootcamp Users" $OU = "CN=Users, DC=BOOTCAMP,DC=LOCAL" NEW-ADGroup -name $GroupName -GroupScope Global ForEach($User in $Users){ $User.FirstName = $User.FirstName.substring(0,1).toupper()+$User.FirstName.substring(1).tolower() $FullName = $User.FirstName $Sam = $User.FirstName $dnsroot = '@' + (Get-ADDomain).dnsroot $SAM = $sam.tolower() $UPN = $SAM + "$dnsroot" $email = $Sam + "$dnsroot" $password = $user.password try { if (!(get-aduser -Filter {samaccountname -eq "$SAM"})){ New-ADUser -Name $FullName -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -force) -GivenName $User.FirstName -Path $OU -SamAccountName $SAM -UserPrincipalName $UPN -EmailAddress $Email -Enabled $TRUE Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName -Member $Sam Write-Verbose "[PASS] Created $FullName" $successUsers += $FullName } } catch { Write-Warning "[ERROR]Can't create user [$($FullName)] : $_" $failedUsers += $FullName } } if ( !(test-path $LogFolder)) { Write-Verbose "Folder [$($LogFolder)] does not exist, creating" new-item $LogFolder -type directory -Force } Write-verbose "Writing logs" $failedUsers |ForEach-Object {"$($b).) $($_)"; $b++} | out-file -FilePath $LogFolder\FailedUsers.log -Force -Verbose $successUsers | ForEach-Object {"$($a).) $($_)"; $a++} |out-file -FilePath $LogFolder\successUsers.log -Force -Verbose 6. Update the password in "c:\\scripts\\add-user.csv" to match the HPOC password .. code-block:: bash Firstname,Password user01,nutanix/4u user02,nutanix/4u user03,nutanix/4u user04,nutanix/4u user05,nutanix/4u user06,nutanix/4u user07,nutanix/4u user08,nutanix/4u user09,nutanix/4u user10,nutanix/4u user11,nutanix/4u user12,nutanix/4u user13,nutanix/4u user14,nutanix/4u user15,nutanix/4u user16,nutanix/4u user17,nutanix/4u user18,nutanix/4u user19,nutanix/4u user20,nutanix/4u 7. Open Powershell, and run the add-user.ps1 8. Open Active Directory User & Computers, and verify the users and group are there. **Note:** Now you can head back to the Prism_Element_Setup_, and configure Authentication and Roles. .. _Prism_Element_Setup: ../prism_element/prism_element_setup.rst .. _add-users.ps1: ./scripts/add-users.ps1 .. _add-users.csv: ./scripts/add-users.csv